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Top » Brewing » Genmaicha,Bancha and Hojicha


TEAPOT (traditional tea utensil)

How to serve Genmaicha,Bancha and Hojicha
Genmaicha is an aromatic tea blended by Bancha or Sencha with roasted rice. The leaves for Bancha are ripen and large, giving a refreshing taste. The roasted Bancha or stems is called Hojicha. It features a red water color. For these types of tea, there is no need for cooling the hot water like Gyokuro or Sencha. It is simple and easy.
1.Use large-sized tea utensils.
First, put tea leaves into the earthenware teapot.
2.The right amount of the tea leaves is around 3g per cup. 5 cups are served at one time. Use a large-sized spoon, and 5 spoonfuls or 15g of tea leaves are used.
3.Put the hot water into the earthenware teapot, place the lid on it and wait about 30 seconds.
Pour the tea into cups evenly and in rotation to obtain the same taste.
The amount of hot water shouldn’t be too much so that all the tea can be poured out to the last drop.
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