Brewing Sencha | Japanese Tea from Shizuoka

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TEAPOT (traditional tea utensil)

How to serve Reicha
Most people have the image of Sencha or Gyokuro being only brewed in hot water, but they are also enjoyed by brewing in cold water. Reicha is as popular as hot tea in summer.
1.“Fukamushicha” is recommended to be served in cold water.
First, put tea leaves into a teapot.
2.The standard amount of tea leaves per cup is about 5g, which is a little more than hot tea.
Use a middle-sized spoon. A spoonful of tea leaves is about 5g, so put 3 spoonfuls or about 15g to serve 3 cups.
3.Pour room temperature water into a teapot and wait more than 10 minutes.
Pour the tea into glasses with ice cubes.
4.Pour it evenly and in rotation to obtain the same taste.
Since the tea doesn’t get bitterness by brewing it in cold water, you can enjoy the sweet taste only a high quality tea can create.
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